Mural in The Curve NHS Recovery Academy, Prestwich Hospital, by Gerry Halpin MBE.
Understanding of brand, corporate image, the industry sector, positioning
One-to-one discussion to establish preferences
Overview of entire workspace, with additional advice (on layout, colour schemes, furniture, plants, sculptures)
Can advise on exterior (signage, gardens/outside space)
Consideration of staff motivation, emotional wellbeing
Option to rent art, with rotation if required.
Selection of imagery for wallpaper murals – can be personalised with branding
Guidance throughout to reach solution within agreed budget
Can work with chosen interior designer or direct
Not tied to any library, gallery or supplier – we will source/design the right scheme for you!
Plus – most of all – it’s fun! Call now to find out what we can do for you 07590 459328 or email jackie@artfortheworkplace.co.uk.